What to Expect from a Vasectomy Procedure

Vasectomy surgery is an intimidating procedure for most men. It could cause some stress knowing that not only is the procedure itself taking place in a very private area, but the effects of the surgery could be permanent, even if the procedure is reversed. Thankfully, once you understand the procedure and are well aware of the effects, it becomes a far less frightening surgery and you are able to make an informed decision before going into the operating room. 

The Surgery

A vasectomy is a common surgical procedure that results in the sterility of a male patient, leaving them unable to impregnate a woman. The surgery is performed on an outpatient basis and is usually completed within 30 minutes. The patient will receive a local anaesthetic in the groin area but remains awake throughout the surgery. During the procedure, a surgeon will make a small incision in the upper scrotal area in order to access the vas deferens. The vas deferens is a muscular tube situated behind the bladder that transports sperm to the urethra, combining it with seminal fluid. The purpose of a vasectomy is to close or sever the vas deferens in order to prevent sperm from entering the urethra, leaving the patient sterile. The procedure is minimally invasive, leaving only one small scar that might need to be sutured.

Before Your Surgery

If you are considering a vasectomy it is important to be aware of the consequences and to consider them thoroughly before going in for surgery. Your surgeon will discuss all the options available to you and assess whether you are a suitable candidate for surgery. You might be asked to stop taking certain medications before your surgery and you will also be required to stop smoking for a period of time as these could interfere with blood clotting and increase your risks during surgery. You are also advised to shave your pubic area before surgery, especially in the area that the incision is going to be made. Be sure to disclose any medical condition that you may have to ensure that your surgeon is well informed about any potential risks. 

After Your Surgery 

You will be unable to drive after your surgery and you will require someone to drive you home once you are released. Your main priority will be to ensure that the wound stays clean as it heals. Patients will experience some discomfort and swelling and medication will be prescribed to deal with any pain. You should be able to return to work after two or three days, but it is advised to refrain from any strenuous activity for up to a week. 

At Centurion Day Hospital we are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care in advanced facilities. Contact us today for more information on any of our procedures, or visit our website to book a consultation and view the wide range of procedures performed at our facility!