Procedures | Orthopaedic Surgery


Orthopaedic Surgery

Achilles Tendon Release/Tenotomy (Ankle Tendon Lengthening)
Achilles tendon lengthening (ATL)or release is a surgical procedure that aims to stretch the Achilles tendon to allow a person to walk flat-footed without a bend in the knee, or to bring relief to chronic pain. This procedure elongates a contracted Achilles tendon by making small cuts on the tendons at the back of the ankle. This procedure is performed by an Orthopaedic Surgeon.
Arthroscopy (Knee Joint Inspection & Repair)
Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure orthopaedic surgeons use to visualize, diagnose, and treat problems inside a joint. The word arthroscopy comes from two Greek words, “arthro”(joint) and “skopein” (to look). The term literally means “to look within the joint.” This procedure could involve the knee or shoulder joint. This procedure is performed by an Orthopaedic Surgeon.
Carpal Tunnel Release (Hand Tendon Surgery)

This condition occurs when one of the major nerves to the hand – the median nerve – is squeezed or compressed as it travels through the wrist.  The procedure is to relieve pressure on your median nerve by cutting the ligament that forms the roof of the tunnel. This increases the size of the tunnel and decreases pressure on the median nerve.  This procedure can be performed by an Orthopaedic Surgeon or Neuro Surgeon.

Facet Joint Injection or Infiltration (Spine/Back Pain Management)

A facet joint block or injection is a minimally invasive procedure  in which a physician injects a small amount of local aneasthetic and/or medication to numb a facet joint and provide pain relief. Fluoroscopy, a form of real-time x-ray, or CT is used to guide the placement of the needle into the facet joint.  This procedure can be performed by an Orthopaedic Surgeon or Neuro Surgeon.

Ganglionectomy (Removal of Cyst on Hand)
A ganglionectomy, also called a gangliectomy, is the surgical removal of a ganglion. The removal of a ganglion cyst usually requires a ganglionectomy. Such cysts usually form on the hand, foot or wrist and may cause pain or impair body function. This procedure is usually performed by an Orthopaedic Surgeon.
Insertion or removal K - wires
When traction is used, a K-wire is often inserted into a bone to provide a rigid anchor to the bone, and then the weight is pulled on the bone (through the wire) to pull the broken extremity into alignment. This procedure is performed by an Orthopaedic Surgeon.
Open or Closed Reduction
Open reduction is where the fracture fragments are exposed surgically by dissecting the tissues. Closed reduction is the manipulation of the bone fragments without surgical exposure of the fragments. This procedure is performed by an Orthopaedic Surgeon.
Peripheral Nerve Neuroplasty (Surgical Release of Painful Nerve)
Peripheral nerve surgery encompasses acute nerve injuries, entrapment neuropathies and nerve sheath tumours. It is practiced by surgeons of varying backgrounds with expertise in orthopaedic, neurological, plastic and reconstructive surgery. This procedure can be performed by an Orthopaedic Surgeon or Neuro Surgeon.
Resection Toenail
The initial surgical approach is typically a partial avulsion of the nail plate known as a wedgeresection or in some cases, a complete removal of the toenail. This procedure is usually performed by an Orthopaedic Surgeon, or a Podiatrist.
Rhizotomy (Nerve Treatment of Chronic Backpain)
Rhizotomy is a surgical procedure to sever nerve roots in the spinal cord. The procedure effectively relieves chronic back pain and muscle spasms. For spinal joint pain, a facet rhizotomy may provide lasting low back pain relief by disabling the sensory nerve at the facet joint. This procedure can be performed by an Orthopaedic Surgeon or Neuro Surgeon.
Trigger Finger Release (Stiff or Cramped Finger Joint)
The surgical procedure for trigger finger is called “tenolysis” or “trigger finger release. ”Surgery is performed through either a small open incision in the palm or with the tip of a needle. The A1 pulley is divided (released) so that the flexor tendon can glide freely. This procedure is usually performed by an Orthopaedic Surgeon.

Ankle Tendon Lengthening?

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012 663 2010​​

Knee Joint Inspection & Repair?

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012 663 2010​​

Hand Tendon Surgery?

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Please complete the online form to receive more information or arrange a consultation with an Orthopaedic Surgeon or Neuro Surgeon that makes use of our theatre facilities.

012 663 2010​​

Spine/Back Pain Management?

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Please complete the online form to receive more information or arrange a consultation with an Orthopaedic Surgeon or Neuro Surgeon that makes use of our theatre facilities.

012 663 2010​​

Removal of Cyst on Hand?

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012 663 2010​​

Insertion or removal K - wires?

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012 663 2010​​

Open or Closed Reduction?

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012 663 2010​​

Surgical Release of Painful Nerve?

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012 663 2010​​

Resection Toenail?

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012 663 2010​​

Nerve Treatment of Chronic Backpain?

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Please complete the online form to receive more information or arrange a consultation with an Orthopaedic Surgeon that makes use of our theatre facilities.

012 663 2010​​

Stiff or Cramped Finger Joint?

we can Assist You!

Please complete the online form to receive more information or arrange a consultation with an Orthopaedic Surgeon that makes use of our theatre facilities.

012 663 2010​​