Procedures | Dental & Maxillofacial Surgery


Dental & Maxillofacial Surgery

Apisectomy (Fillings)
An apisectomy is a surgical procedure where a filling is placed at the end of the root and removes any infected tissue from around the tip. It’s aim is to contain any bacteria that maybe remaining totally within the canal system. This is performed by a Dental Surgeon.
Dental Extractions
There are two main types of dental extraction, simple extraction and surgical extraction. Simple dental extraction is used to remove teeth that can be seen and are easily accessible, whereas surgical dental extraction typically requires an incision into the connective tissue to gain access to the tooth to be removed. This is usually per formed by a Dental Surgeon.
Dental Implants
A dental implant is a surgical component that interfaces with the bone of the jaw or skull to support a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge, denture, facial prosthesis or to act as anorthodontic anchor. This can be performed by a Dental Surgeon, MaxilloFacial Surgeon or Periodontists.
Dentectomy (Extraction of All/Remaining Teeth)
Complete removal of all remaining teeth. This can be performed by a Dental Surgeon, MaxilloFacial Surgeon or Periodontists.
Done mostly for orthodontic purposes, a frenectomy is either performed inside the middle of upper lip, which is called labial frenectomy, or under the tongue, called lingualfrenectomy. Frenectomy is a very common dental procedure that is performed on infants, children, and adults. This can be performed by a Dental Surgeon, or an Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeon.
Gingival Graft (Receding Gum Repair)
A gingival graft is a procedure offered to patients with receding gums. The surgery consists in removing tissue from the patient’s palate and then grafting it onto the site of the recession (missing gum). In some cases, a technique is used involving donor tissue. This can be performed by a Dental Surgeon, MaxilloFacial Surgeon or Periodontists.
Orthodontic Attachment (Wires Attached to Tooth)
An orthodontic attachment that is secured to a tooth (either by bonding or banding) for the purpose of engaging an arch wire.
Pulpotomies (Deep Fillings)
A pulpotomy is the removal of a portion of the pulp, including the diseased aspect, with the intent of maintaining the vitality of the remaining pulpal tissue by means of a therapeutic dressing. This is usually done by a Dental Surgeon.
Sinus Augmentation (Increase & Lifting of Bone in Sinus Area)
Maxillary sinus floor augmentation is a surgical procedure which aims to increase the amount of bone in the posterior maxilla, in the area of the premolar and molar teeth, by lifting the lower Schneiderian membrane and placing a bone graft. When a tooth is lost the alveolar process begins to remodel. This can be done by a MaxilloFacial Surgeon or Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeon.
Wisdom Teeth Removal
Many people develop impacted wisdom teeth—teeth that don’t have enough room to erupt into the mouth or develop normally. Impacted wisdom teeth may erupt only partially or not at all. This will be surgically removed. This can be done by a Dental Surgeon or MaxilloFacial Surgeon.


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012 663 2010​​

Dental Extractions?

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012 663 2010​​

Dental Implants?

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Please complete the online form to receive more information or arrange a consultation with a Dentist or Maxillofacial Surgeon that makes use of our theatre facilities.

012 663 2010​​

Extraction of All/Remaining Teeth?

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012 663 2010​​


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Please complete the online form to receive more information or arrange a consultation with a Dentist or Maxillofacial Surgeon that makes use of our theatre facilities.

012 663 2010​​

Receding Gum Repair?

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Please complete the online form to receive more information or arrange a consultation with a Dentist or Maxillofacial Surgeon that makes use of our theatre facilities.

012 663 2010​​

Wires Attached to Tooth?

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Please complete the online form to receive more information or arrange a consultation with a Dentist or Maxillofacial Surgeon that makes use of our theatre facilities.

012 663 2010​​

Deep Fillings?

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Please complete the online form to receive more information or arrange a consultation with a Dentist or Maxillofacial Surgeon that makes use of our theatre facilities.

012 663 2010​​

Increase & Lifting of Bone in Sinus Area?

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Please complete the online form to receive more information or arrange a consultation with a Dentist or Maxillofacial Surgeon that makes use of our theatre facilities.

012 663 2010​​

Wisdom Teeth Removal?

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Please complete the online form to receive more information or arrange a consultation with a Dentist or Maxillofacial Surgeon that makes use of our theatre facilities.

012 663 2010​​