With regards to financing your procedure, there are a few options that you can look at.
If you need financial assistance with your procedures, co-payments, hospital fees, anaesthetist fees, or with any costs that is not covered by your medical aid, please have a look at the payment options available below:
www.medifin.co.za | 0861 000 808 | info@medifin.co.za
You can visit their websites or contact their agents.
If you qualify for a loan, they will make a payment to us and you can repay them on terms you agree upon.
(Up to 48 months repayment allowed)
You can apply through RCS for a loan to pay for your procedure.
They are very fast and efficient and you will know within an hour if your application has been approved.
Please go to their website: www.rcs.co.za or contact them 0861-729-727
A deposit must be paid to book the theatre (as soon as possible after you have made the booking for the
procedure). The balance of the amount can then be paid as follows:
• You can pay cash or with a credit card on the day of your procedure
• You can make an EFT payment (2/3 days before the procedure)
Please contact the hospital for payment details. info@centuriondayhospital.co.za
*Please note that the procedure will be done once the full amount of the quotation has been paid
192 A Glover Ave, Lyttleton,
Centurion, 0157