
Orthopaedic Surgery: Diagnosing and Treating Bone and Joint Pain

Orthopaedic surgeons are able to perform a number of surgical and non-surgical procedures focused on treating and preventing musculoskeletal disorders or trauma. Our bones and muscles inevitably degrade as our bodies age, and our movement becomes limited. Orthopaedic surgery is not only focused on correcting chronic defects but also endeavours to treat many of the injuries or ailments caused by old age. If these issues are addressed earlier in life, you reduce your risk later in life.

Let’s take a look at some common orthopaedic procedures:

Facet Joint Injection

A facet joint injection can be used to diagnose and treat patients that are experiencing joint pain in their back. The affected area is sterilised with an antibacterial solution and a local anaesthetic is injected into this area to numb the facet joint. Surgeons use imaging guidance to direct the needle to the exact spot. If the pain subsides it can be concluded that the joint is indeed what is causing the problem. This injection will only provide temporary pain relief and a mix of anti-inflammatory medicine is needed to deliver long term pain relief.

Ganglionectomy (Removal of Cyst on Hand)

A ganglion cyst is a fluid-filled sac that can form when a ligament or joint capsule herniates. These cysts most commonly form on the wrists and ankles, as these areas experience a lot of movement. These cysts can cause extreme pain in some cases where they press on the nerves of a patient. A ganglionectomy is performed on an outpatient basis and the surgery is relatively quick. After the cyst has been surgically removed the wound is stitched up and bandaged. Patients will have pain medication prescribed to them to mitigate any excessive pain.

Insertion or Removal of K-Wires

Kirschner wires, also known as K-wires, are strong wires that are used to repair bone fractures. These wires are used to hold bone fragments together to help with the healing process. During the procedure, a surgeon will insert the wires under the skin and tie together the pieces of the bone that have been separated. These wires are only temporary and will commonly be removed after three or four weeks. 

Make Centurion Day Hospital your chosen destination if you are in need of orthopaedic surgery! Our qualified surgeons perform a wide range of procedures in our state-of-the-art medical facilities. Feel free to browse our website for more information on any of our procedures, or contact us today to book a consultation