
Press Release 16 Nov 2016: Project Open Hearts donates 8 smiles for Christmas

Press release
Centurion Day Hospital
16 November 2016 

Project Open Hearts donates 8 smiles for Christmas
-Centurion Day Hospital gave an early Christmas gift to children.

On Wednesday 16 November 2016, Centurion Day Hospital has made its theaters and facilities available for the second time this year to accommodate needy patients in desperate need of dental day procedures. Seven of the eight children that benefited from this project in November come from a community organisation in Pretoria, Smile of Joy, who assists HIV positive orphans and vulnerable with dental procedures. According to Mrs Elmarie Marais, General Manager of Centurion Day Hospital, Project Open Hearts aims to give back to the public by showing the open hands and harts of the medical community and thereby changing lives.
“Smile of Joy HIV Orphans Oral Care is very grateful to Centurion Day Hospital for the free treatment of 7 more of our children”, said Amori Booysen, Smile of Joy Project Manager. “These children in need of procedures, each consisting of the removal of at least 5 teeth, received a real Christmas gift from the hospital. These procedures would otherwise not have been possible in 2016. The kids really experienced a lot of pain and discomfort before the procedures, but with this gift they will have a painless Christmas. The hospital and staff gave each child a reason to smile!”. Centurion Day Hospital made this a memorable experience for the patients with gift bags, balloons, snacks and a delicious lunch for sore throats and empty tummies after the procedure. “Surgery can be a very stressful experience, but our children friendly facility and staff will make sure everybody will have a positive hospital experience”, said Marais.
Centurion Day Hospital launched Project Open Hearts in September and performed 11 procedures free of charge of which 8 children were from Smile of Joy HIV Orphans Oral Care. The procedures formed part of National Dental Health Month together with the Pretoria branch of SADA (South African Dental Association). Through this project, Centurion Day Hospital offer their theatres and ward facilities and contribute the anaesthetics and medicine for recovery. The children had to undergo dental procedures in hospital under anaesthetics because it would be too traumatic to have it done in a dental chair. Together with the procedures done in September, it brings the total number of smiles changed this year to 19. “With the rising cost in medical aid and increasingly more people struggling to afford much needed procedures, we hope to change many more lives in 2017!”, said Marais.
Centurion Day Hospital opened the doors of their new facility earlier this year and is excited about the opportunity to bring services to the heart of Centurion where there is a need for day procedure facilities. Worldwide up to 60% of surgical procedures can be done in a day hospital where the costs is much lower than in an acute hospital. A day hospital is a hospital where smaller day procedures are executed and patients don’t stay overnight. Some of the procedures include dental surgery, certain surgical procedures, ear, nose and throat procedures, gynaecology, maxillofacial & oral surgery, cosmetic surgery, orthopaedic surgery and endoscopic procedures carried out by specialists.

Centurion Day Hospital
16 November 2016

Project Open Hearts skenk 8 glimlagte vir Kersfees
– Centurion Day Hospital gee vroeë kersgeskenk vir kinders.

Op Woensdag 16 November 2016, het Centurion Day Hospital die tweede keer die jaar hul teaters en fasiliteite gratis aangebied om behoeftige pasiënte wat tandheelkundige prosedures benodig, te laat opereer. Sewe van die agt kinders wat in November hierby gebaat het, is verbonde aan ‘n gemeenskapsorganisasie in Pretoria, Smile of Joy, wat tandheelkundige hulp aan behoeftige HIV wees-en-kwesbare kinders bied. Volgens Mev Elmarie Marais, Algemene Bestuurder van Centurion Day Hospital, vorm die gratis prosedures deel van die hospitaal se gemeenskapsprojek, Project Open Hearts wat ten doel het om terug te gee aan die publiek deur die oop hande en harte van die mediese gemeenskap te wys en daardeur lewens te verander.

“Smile of Joy HIV Orphans Oral Care is hartlik dankbaar  vir die kostevrye behandeling van nog 8 van ons kinders deur Centurion Dag Hospitaal”, sê  Amori Booysen, Smile of Joy se Projekbestuurder. “Hierdie kindertjies wat teater behandeling benodig, dit behels ‘n minimum van 5 tande wat getrek moet word, het ‘n ware kersgeskenk van die hospitaal ontvang. Die prosedures sou andersins nie in 2016 moontlik gewees het nie. Die kinders het erge pyn en ongemak ervaar voor die prosedures en nou gaan hulle ‘n pynlose Kersfees beleef. Die hospitaal en personeel het elke kindjie ‘n rede gegee om te glimlag! ” Die Centurion Day Hospital het die dag ‘n baie aangename ondervinding vir die klein pasiëntjies gemaak met geskenkpakkies, ballonne, lekker happies en ‘n heerlike ete vir die seer kele en honger magies na die tyd. “Chirurgie kan baie spanningsvol wees, maar ons kindervriendelike fasiliteite en personeel verseker dat almal ‘n positiewe hospitaal ervaring het”, volgens Marais.

Centurion Day Hospital het met Project Open Hearts afgeskop in September en 11 prosedures gratis gedoen tydens Mondgesondheidsmaand in samewerking met die Pretoria tak van SADA (South African Dental Association), waarvan 8 kinders van Smile of Joy HIV Orphans Oral Care was. Deur die projek, bied Centurion Day Hospital die teater en saal fasiliteite aan, asook die medikasie nodig vir herstel en narkose. Die kinders se tandheelkundige prosedures moes onder narkose gedoen word omdat dit vir hulle te traumaties sou wees om die prosedures in die tandarts stoel te ondergaan. Saam met die prosedures in September bring dit die totaal op 19 glimlagte wat verewig verander is. “Met die stygende koste in mediese fondse en toenemend meer mense wat sukkel om nodige prosedures te kan bekostig, hoop ons nog om vele meer lewens te verander in 2017”, volgens Marais.

Centurion Day Hospital het vroeër vanjaar in Mei die deure van hulle nuwe fasiliteite geopen en is baie dankbaar vir die geleentheid om in die hart van Centurion meer pasiënte te kan raak wat behoefte het aan fasiliteite vir dagprosedures.  Wêreldwyd kan meer as 60% van chirurgiese prosedures in daghospitale uitgevoer word waar kostes heelwat laer is as in akute hospitale. ‘n Daghospitaal is ‘n hospitaal waar kleiner dagprosedures uitgevoer word en pasiënte nie in die hospitaal oornag nie. Van die prosedures wat geakkommodeer word, is tandheelkundige prosedures, oor, neus en keel prosedures, ginekologiese prosedures, kosmetiese chirurgie, ortopediese chirurgie, endoskopiese prosedures, mond-en-kaak chirurgie en nog vele meer.


Press release 8 Sept 2016: Centurion Day Hospital launch Project Open Hearts

Press release
Centurion Day Hospital
8 September 2016 
Centurion Day Hospital (CDH) launch Project Open Hearts

On Thursday 8 September 2016, Centurion Day Hospital is made its theaters and facilities available for the whole day to accommodate needy patients in desperate need of dental day-procedures. Some of the children that benefitted from this project comes from community organisations in and around Pretoria including El-Shalem in Centurion for children with severe disabilities and Smile of Joy who assists HIV positive orphans with dental procedures. Most of these children have to undergo dental procedures in hospital under anaesthetics because it would be too traumatic to have it done in a dental chair. CDH wants to alleviate the financial pressure on these organisations by giving these children the procedures they need at no cost.

Centurion Day Hospital opened the doors of their new facility earlier this year and is excited about the opportunity to bring services to the heart of Centurion where there is a need for day procedure facilities. Worldwide up to 60% of surgical procedures can be done in a day hospital where the costs is much lower than in an acute hospital. A day hospital is a hospital where smaller day procedures are executed and patients don’t stay overnight. Some of the procedures include Dental surgery, Certain surgical procedures, Ear, Nose and Throat procedures, Gynaecology, Maxillofacial & Oral surgery, Cosmetic surgery Orthopaedic surgery and Endoscopic procedures carried out by specialists.

According to Mrs Elmarie Marais, general manager of Centurion Day Hospital, the hospital wants to give back to the community because they are grateful for the successful launch of the facility. “Today there are so many patients whose lives can be changed by a day procedure but they simply can’t afford it. Through the open hearts and hands of the medical community in Gauteng, we hope to make a lasting difference in the lives of patients through Project Open Hearts.”

The Pretoria branch of SADA (South African Dental Association) visited a few community organisations as part of National Dental Health Month in September to identify kids in desperate need procedures. The dentists that performed the 11 procedures as part of Project Open Hearts are all members of this branch and did it free of charge because of Dental Health Month. Centurion Day Hospital contributed their theatres and ward facilities, as well as the anaesthetics and medicine for recovery. The anaesthetists that assisted in all these procedures free of charge is Dr. Dave Viljoen en Dr. Charl Liebenberg.

Centurion Day Hospital made this a memorable experience for the patients with gift bags, balloons and snacks for sore throats after the procedure. “Surgery can be a very stressful experience, but our children friendly facility and staff will make sure everybody will have a positive hospital experience”, said Marais. Amori Booysen, the Smile of Joy clinical manager was full of praise for the hospital: “Smile of Joy HIV orphans oral care is deeply grateful for Centurion Day Hospital’s pro-bono treatment of 9 of the orphans and vulnerable children in need of theatre treatment. It is not just the relief of pain, but the gentleness, love and sincerity the children were treated with that made a huge impact in their lives”.

Centurion Day Hospital
8 September 2016

Centurion Day Hosptial (CDH) loods Projek Open Hearts

Op Donderdag 8 September 2016, het Centurion Day Hospital die hele dag sy teaters en fasiliteite gratis aangebied om behoeftige pasiënte wat tandheelkundige prosedures benodig, te laat opereer. Die kinders wat hierby gebaat het is verbonde aan gemeenskapsorganisasies in die Pretoria-omgewing, oa. El-Shalem in Centurion vir kinders met ernstige gestremdhede asook Smile of Joy wat tandheelkundige hulp aan behoeftige HIV weeskinders bied. Meeste van die kinders se tandheelkundige prosedures moet ook onder narkose gedoen word omdat dit vir hulle te traumaties sal wees om die prosedures in die tandarts stoel te ondergaan. CDH wil graag die finansiële druk van die organisasies verlig deur aan kinders wat behandeling benodig, dit heeltemal kosteloos te bied.

Centurion Day Hospital het vroeër vanjaar in Mei die deure van hulle nuwe fasiliteite geopen en is baie dankbaar vir die geleentheid om in die hart van Centurion meer pasiënte te kan raak wat behoefte het aan fasiliteite vir dagprosedures. Wêreldwyd kan tot 60% van chirurgiese prosedures in daghospitale uitgevoer word waar kostes heelwat laer is as in akute hospitale. ‘n Daghospitaal is ‘n hospitaal waar kleiner dagprosedures uitgevoer word en pasiënte nie in die hospitaal oornag nie. Van die prosedures wat geakkommodeer word is tandheelkundige prosedures, oor, neus en keel prosedures, ginekologiese prosedures, kosmetiese chirurgie, ortopediese chirurgie, endoskopiese prosedures, mond-en-kaak chirurgie en nog vele meer.

Volgens Mev Elmarie Marais, algemene bestuurder van Centurion Day Hospital, wil die hospitaal in dankbaarheid vir hulle suksesvolle afskop graag terug gee aan die omringende gemeenskap. “Daar is vandag soveel pasiënte wie se lewe verander kan word deur ‘n dagprosedure maar dit eenvoudig nie kan bekostig nie. Deur die mediese wêreld se oop harte en hande hoop ons om deur Projek Open Hearts ‘n blywende verskil in die paar pasiënte se lewens te maak”.
Die Pretoria tak van SADA (South African Dental Association) het as deel van Mondgesondheidsmaand in September, ‘n gemeenskap uitreik aksie gehad in die vorm van ‘n “Dental Day” saam met verskeie gemeenskapsorganisasies waartydens kinders geïdentifiseer is vir opvolg behandeling. Die tandartse wat die 11 prosedures gedoen het tydens Project Open heart is almal lede van die tak en het hulle dienste gratis aangebied.
Centurion Day Hospital het die teater en saal fasiliteite aangebied, asook die medikasie nodig vir herstel en narkose. Die Narkotiseurs wat hulle dienste gratis aangebied het in samewerking met die hospitaal, is Dr. Dave Viljoen en Dr. Charl Liebenberg.

Die Centurion Day Hospital het die dag ‘n baie aangename ondervinding vir die pasiënte gemaak met geskenkpakkies, ballonne en lekker happies vir die seer kele na die tyd. “Chirurgie kan vir mense spanningsvol wees maar ons vriendelike span wat uitstekende diens lewer verander ‘n moontlike intimiderende situasie altyd in ‘n aangename ondervinding. Ons is baie ingestel daarop om veral kinders en ouers ‘n positiewe hospitaal ervaring te bied”, volgens Marais. Smile of Joy se Kliniekbestuurder, Amori Booysen was vol lof vir die hospitaal, “Smile of Joy HIV Orphans Oral Care is hartlik dankbaar vir die kostevrye behandeling van 9 van ons wees-en-kwesbare kinders wat teater behandeling benodig. Dit gaan oor meer as net pynverligting, maar die sagtheid, liefde en opregtheid waarmee die kinders hanteer was wat ‘n groot veskil in hulle lewens maak”